Inclusion Series Coloring Books
for Children and Adults
Our “Inclusion Series Coloring Books” provide the unique opportunity to read stories about real individuals with intellectual and developmental dis-ABILITIES (IDD) while enjoying the benefits of mindfulness-based coloring activities. These books make great gifts for new and expectant parents; they are an excellent outreach tool for disability-related nonprofit organizations; and they are a cheerful, positive educational tool for educators and healthcare providers alike. Help spread our positive message about individuals with IDD living happy, meaningful, inclusive lives.
Celebrating Down Syndrome with Tommy
Robin Sattel, MS and Leah Martin, PhD
In “Celebrating Down Syndrome with Tommy” we learn about Tommy’s life, from infancy to adulthood. We hear directly from Tommy about the events, activities, and people who have made his life amazing, as well as how Tommy has positively impacted the lives of all the people who love him. This book will teach you more about Down syndrome as you use your creative coloring talents to add color and texture to the pictures depicting Tommy’s inclusive, joy-filled life!
Celebrating Cerebral Palsy with AJ and Keslie
Robin Sattel, MS and Leah Martin, PhD
In “Celebrating Cerebral Palsy with AJ and Keslie” we learn about AJ’s and Keslie’s lives, from infancy to adulthood. We hear directly from these two stunning individuals about the events, activities, and people who have made their lives amazing, as well as how they have positively impacted the lives of all the people who love them. This book will teach you more about Cerebral Palsy as you use your creative coloring talents to add color and texture to the pictures depicting AJ’s and Keslie’s inclusive, joy-filled lives!
Celebrating Autism
Robin Sattel, MS and Leah Martin, PhD
Celebrando el Síndrome de Down con Tommy
Robin Sattel, MS and Leah Martin, PhD
En Celebrando el síndrome de Down con Tommy aprendemos sobre la vida de Tommy, desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta. Escuchamos directamente de Tommy sobre los eventos, las actividades y las personas que han hecho que su vida sea increíble, así como sobre cómo Tommy ha tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de todas las personas que lo aman. ¡Este libro le enseñará más sobre el síndrome de Down a medida que usa sus talentos creativos para colorear para agregar color y textura a las imágenes que representan la vida inclusiva y llena de alegría de Tommy!